

Friday, January 15, 2010

It all began

I'm a lurker. No, not a creepy perv type lurker. But a lurker, no less.
I have always enjoyed reading other peoples blogs - but never had an interest in writing my own.
Until now.

It seems to me that everyone journals, blogs, etc. in an attempt to keep track of things.
Their childrens development, their weight loss, their travels (jealous), the purchases they make, the food they consume, etc.

So I have jumped on the blogger bandwagon.

I must warn you: I love profanity. Not in a disgusting, vulgar way. But more of an expressive way. It helps me to fully emphasize my emotions.
If you are still with me that means you either don't mind it or you too are screaming "Shit yeah, keep it real". Okay, probably not at 7:30 AM.

It all began 6 months ago when I lost my mom.
Not to go into descriptive accounts of what happened, but it was unexpected and quite too early.
But it put me in a place to start questioning my own mortality.
My health. Not so good.
My weight. Not so good on that one either.
My active-ness. Non existent.

I had become a slug.

I was one of those girls that I used to look at and think (and sometimes actually say aloud) "Look at that fat bitch. Why would she let herself get so big?". Now some of you are probably going to be quite offended. I too am actually quite offended at some of things that used to come out of my mouth/mind. So bear with me. I apologize. But I'm keeping it real.
And now I am that fat girl. Yuck.

So that brings me back to my mortality. I don't want to die. I don't want the diabetes. I don't want the heart disease. I don't want my kids to say to me what the pint-sized one said that December day; As we lay in bed & he proceeds to kiss my belly "Hi baby. Mommy is it a boy or a girl?".

Done. He had sealed the deal for me. I promptly packed my gym bag and made sure to put it in my car.

The next day I read a post on a blog about someone that had recently started running. She put into words how I had been feeling the past few years.
A very cool blogger, whom I have taken to reading daily. Check it out:

So that is when I decided to run. Not for speed. Not for time. But for health. And run I have.
Since December 28, 2009.
Not long, but a step towards health.
And self esteem.
And will power.
And pride.
All things that I have been lacking.

And that brings me to today. My second day of training with the hubby. With a real personal trainer. A person that will hold both the hubby & I accountable.
For our exercise, our health, and what we put in our mouth. (Hmm, almost rhymed there).

Now, for resolution #2. Stop the swearing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I just found your blog and am so happy I did!!
    Thank you for your comments on my posts. How very meaningful they are and I thank you for sharing your experiences!
    All my love to you!
