Ever had one of those days when things just seem to get all combubalated
(not a real word I'm sure) and you just can't get straight? Well today is one of those days.
The rain lulled me to sleep last night around 8:30 PM. So unusual for me.
And it kept on lulling me right thru until 6 AM. Yikes! My training session was scheduled at 5 AM.
Hmm, I think I will tell them I had a slight case of endosleepiosis.
So I rush out the door & speed off to work. And realize once I start to walk that I am wearing flip flops. Now, normally that would be the footwear of choice. But in the rain? I think not.
I call the hubby (who is also running late) and beg/implore him to please, please, please bring my boots to me and be even later to work.
"Of course honey, but you have to come down and give me a kiss". Not a problem.
As I stand and wait for the slowest elevator ever I see my honey opening my car door, and sticking said boots inside. Oh no, please don't leave without my kiss!
After what seems like an eternity I make it outside. He is at the traffic signal ready to turn.
But he sees me. Standing there waiting, pleading for my kiss.
So he does what I would expect & proceeds to back up.
Right into a car!!! Why would this lady make an illegal u-turn behind him when he is trying to make an illegal reverse move??
Why I say?
Jump to the end of the story.
Our car is fine. Her car is smooshed. She appears to not have a license - so her husband (named Mohammed) implores us to let her leave.
No problemo.
And then I got my kiss.
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